Part of Your World

Character history

Ariel is the youngest of King Triton's seven daughters. Ariel has a fascination with the world of humans, despite contact being forbidden by her father, who hates humans. In the beginning, Ariel is salvaging human items and takes them to scuttle for identification. Ariel keeps them in her secret grotto as a part of her collection, from books to other regular objects which is where she sings "Part of Your World. During a storm, Ariel rescues Prince Eric and brings him to shore where she falls in love with him and dreams to be human.

Why I have chosen this song

I have chosen this song since it has a lot of emotions going through it and I have to adapt to an American accent for this so it can be different from my other songs. I love how free Ariel is when singing this song so I wanted to have the same energy which is different from the others since they are just a number where you stand in one place and it can show how excited she is when she starts to talk about the humans and all the trinkets she has. When looking at the song there are a few difficult parts which I wanted to try and push as much as possible which were the characters coming through and trying to connect with the audience as well which could be seen as a power image.


When starting this song I had already sung some parts through so I was confident in starting the score by making changes and trying to test out different things, as I performed it I made one mistake which was mixing up "strolling along down a" to "walking down a" which confused me during the whole song afterwards. With my song being from a Disney film everyone knows it which would make it awkward if I were to make the same mistake in a life performance. A problem that I always found was that I needed projection since I've never sung with mics or anything so I decided to go into a soundproof room and belt as loud as I could since it would help bring my projection out and still get the power and the correct pronunciations out.

When the song first started I thought about how Ariel is curious about the human world so I wanted an aspirate onset which shows how she's really fascinated by everything that she sees and she is willing to show anyone these things so they will listen to her. As the song progresses she becomes more excited about how she wants to be up there with the humans which is why I changed some of my notes quickly since it shows that all she wants is to be up there.

As I performed this for Live Lounge I started to use more of the space and the energy of the excitement to help the audience to connect with the character I had created. Performing at Live Lounge added the performance quality I needed, but I did think that I could have projected more and added more character, I'm performing for the musical theatre showcase which will make my performance better since I will have props and I can start imagining being in the space and then I can move around more which can help the audience connect more, but my only problem was that I could hear the music clearly since I could hear other people talking loudly so for next time I perform this I just need to focus on what I'm doing and try to block out any outside noise.

 Final Performance

When I performed this song for the final time at the musical theatre showcase I thought this time was the best that I had ever sung since it had the best quality and the correct attack that I needed especially since I had a costume and a prop which helped myself explore further into my character and since I was on a stage it helped moving to different places and I managed to make it dramatic since I embodied her and I thought about how she would react in the song. I thought that my character development had improved since I first started this song since my stage presence has brought a lot into this performance by the way I hold my head and how I have learnt to lift my eye line to the back where the light box is instead of looking at the floor which has helped me with my projection.


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