June Milestone
11 Reasons/ developing skills For my final part in the blogs of my developing and looking further into my future goals and dreams i need to evaluate what has happened in the past year to help me become a better performer. On Thursday 9th June i performed 11 reason which was a musical that we had wrote out self's and also had the choreography our self's, which as a result made me develop multiple skills including creating ensemble numbers with a variety of dance styles. As for trying to develop my muscle memory and flexibility it had it's ups and downs for example, there where some days i wouldn't have time or it would of effected my rehearsal time to help others, i could of avoided it by stretching in my own time or come early into college to use the studios provided or i could of done it at home and i should of took before and after photos to show my improvement in certain tasks. Whereas, for my muscle memory that had developed over time because for the muscle and...